Happy Money Accelerator 2024
This 2024, stop worrying about money once and for all with…
The Blueprint To Achieve Financial Freedom, Reduce Money Stress, and Unlock a Life of Abundance & Happiness in just 12 Months
Works even if you struggled in the past or feel intimidated about building wealth
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The Blueprint To Achieve Financial Freedom, Reduce Money Stress, and Unlock a Life of Abundance in Just 12 Months
Works even if you struggled in the past or feel intimidated about building wealth
Do you feel like you're always running on a treadmill, working hard but not getting anywhere?
Picture this:
It's 2024, and the world is buzzing with changes - some scary, some exciting. 

We're talking about rising prices everywhere, conflicts in far-off lands, and big changes in our climate. It's a lot to handle, and it's easy to feel lost and worried about what's next.

I've been there, in that place where you feel like you're carrying the world on your shoulders. But I found a way out, and I want to help you do the same.

Are you tired of feeling like your bank account is a leaking bucket, always empty no matter how much you try to fill it? 
Think about it. You're not just after money. You want that feeling of waking up excited every morning, knowing you're doing what you love and making a real difference.

You want to stop watching the clock and start living your dreams.

Maybe you've got a decent job, but it's just not enough. You're dreaming of a promotion, a pay raise, or something bigger and better.

Or perhaps you've always wanted to start your own thing, but fear keeps holding you back.

And if you're running a business, maybe you feel stuck, unsure how to make it grow and thrive.

Now, imagine a different life.

A life where money is a friend, not a worry. Where you feel a deep sense of peace and joy, knowing you're on the right path.

What does a life full of richness mean to you?

For everyone, it's a unique dream.

So, if you're nodding along, feeling like I'm talking right to you...

Do you feel like you're always running on a treadmill, working hard but not getting anywhere?
Are you tired of feeling like your bank account is a leaking bucket, always empty no matter how much you try to fill it?

Picture this:
It's 2024, and the world is buzzing with changes - some scary, some exciting.

We're talking about rising prices everywhere, conflicts in far-off lands, and big changes in our climate. It's a lot to handle, and it's easy to feel lost and worried about what's next.

I've been there, in that place where you feel like you're carrying the world on your shoulders. But I found a way out, and I want to help you do the same.
Think about it. You're not just after money. You want that feeling of waking up excited every morning, knowing you're doing what you love and making a real difference.

You want to stop watching the clock and start living your dreams.

Maybe you've got a decent job, but it's just not enough. You're dreaming of a promotion, a pay raise, or something bigger and better.

Or perhaps you've always wanted to start your own thing, but fear keeps holding you back.

And if you're running a business, maybe you feel stuck, unsure how to make it grow and thrive.

Now, imagine a different life.

A life where money is a friend, not a worry. Where you feel a deep sense of peace and joy, knowing you're on the right path.

What does a life full of richness mean to you?

For everyone, it's a unique dream.

So, if you're nodding along, feeling like I'm talking right to you...

Imagine a life where you can tap into your true purpose, attract abundance, and experience freedom every day
Our ideas about money shape everything we do and decide how much cash we've got in our wallets.

It's deep stuff, tied to who we are, and changing it isn't easy.

Ever feel like the world's moving too fast and you just can't catch up?

Like there's a secret about money that the happy, rich people know but not you?

That's because the real deal about money – the stuff that can actually change your life – is often kept under wraps.
 But here's the thing: living your best life, the life you truly deserve, means tossing out those old beliefs and habits that got you stuck in the first place. 
And guess what, I've got some great news!
Over my decades of experience, I have discovered the shortest path to achieving this.

It's all about soaking up as much energy as you can from people who are genuinely happy and successful. People who wake up excited every day about what they do. 

How we view the world – as a place full of problems or full of chances – that's what shapes our lives.

So, what's it going to be? Is 2024 a year of crisis or opportunity?

Your choice will change everything.
Want a life filled with more money and happiness?

Step One: Dive into an environment that gets it. An environment that sees all these big changes and challenges we're facing – not as scary crises – but as huge, life-changing opportunities.
Imagine a life where you tap into your true purpose, attract abundance, and experience freedom every day 
Our ideas about money shape everything we do and decide how much cash we've got in our wallets.

It's deep stuff, tied to who we are, and changing it isn't easy.
Ever feel like the world's moving too fast and you just can't catch up?

Like there's a secret about money that the happy, rich people know but not you?

That's because the real deal about money – the stuff that can actually change your life – is often kept under wraps.

But here's the thing: living your best life, the life you truly deserve, means tossing out those old beliefs and habits that got you stuck in the first place. 
And guess what, I've got some great news!

Over my decades of experience, I have discovered the shortest path to achieving this.

It's all about soaking up as much energy as you can from people who are genuinely happy and successful. People who wake up excited every day about what they do.

Want a life filled with more money and happiness?
Step One: Dive into an environment that gets it. An environment that sees all these big changes and challenges we're facing – not as scary crises – but as huge, life-changing opportunities.

How we view the world – as a place full of problems or full of chances – that's what shapes our lives.

So, what's it going to be? Is 2024 a year of crisis or opportunity? Your choice will change everything.
That's why I created a brand new one-year program with the sole purpose to accelerate your journey to start achieving financial freedom in 2024.

Having surveyed over 12,000 self-made millionaires and being mentored by Wahei Takeda (the ‘Warren Buffett of Japan’), I have formulated a proven path that has allowed my students to experience unbelievable miracles again and again over the years.

If you are guided with the right principles to consistently grow over the span of one whole year, miraculous changes will happen in your life too.
About Ken Honda and Happy Money
Ken Honda is Japan’s most recognizable and influential money teacher. Fondly known as the ‘Zen Millionaire’, Ken has penned 58 books (including the global bestselling book “Happy Money”), been translated in 15 languages, and sold over 8 million copies and counting.

As a young boy, Ken discovered – the hard way – just how much of an impact money can have on our lives. After learning of a family friend who took both his own life and the lives of his family due to a run-in with loan sharks, Ken became determined to understand why something as ubiquitous as money could have such a deep influence
on our behavior.

And in some cased, with very tragic outcomes.

Ken would go on to build multiple successful businesses and achieved ultimate financial freedom at just 29. But his fascination with our relationship with money persisted.

After surveying over 12,000 self-made millionaires in Japan, while being mentored by the late Wahei Takeda (the ‘Warren Buffett of Japan’), he began noticing a common pattern among the richest, happiest and most fulfilled people: Building sustainable wealth was less about Money IQ (business and investment strategies) and more about Money EQ (our emotional intelligence surrounding money).

Ken now dedicates all his time to spread the truth about money and empower more people with a lifetime of abundance and prosperity.

As seen on
What People Say About Ken Honda
"Ken is a master at understanding the principles of life, of how to live a life of greatness and happiness.

...He understands the principles and the laws of how to get to your own experience of abundance, of happiness, and of living the greatest truth of who you were put on this planet to live." 

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Best-selling author, featured teacher in The Secret
“There's going to come a day ... and very, very soon ... where every single person in the world is going to know Ken's name and his message. Because he is one of those wisdom keepers, like many that I have met along the way in my career. He has excavated a knowing from his own soul about a topic that millions and millions of people struggle with.

Ken Honda is going to be the teacher that leads us all back to grace where it comes to money, abundance, and prosperity.”

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Executive producer of The Oprah Winfrey Show
Ken is a walking example of what he's teaching. He has made an immense amount of money, retired when he was in his 20's, then he was a good father for a number of years, eventually, he decided he wanted to come back into the workplace.

I always tell people, if you're going to go on a river trip in Africa, go with the guide who's been on the river before because he knows what he's talking about.”

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Co-Author of The New York Times Business Bestseller Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work series, Entrepreneur
Introducing the:
To experience as much happiness and abundance as possible, it’s important to learn about many topics such as money, business, goal manifestation, good relationships, the power of your emotions, and even spirituality.

A new 12-month online group coaching program designed for you to learn and apply ALL the essential skills you need to transform your beliefs, upgrade your systems of living, and manifest your most abundant, happiest life.

Nothing held back.

You will get to go deep into the 12 areas of Happy Money over the span of a full year with Ken.

So get prepared to learn the 12 most important secrets to achieving happiness & financial freedom…

And the essential skills & philosophy that form the foundation for living your life the best you possibly can.
Worried that you would be overwhelmed?

Fret not - you will also be welcomed into the biggest private support group with purpose-driven people we gathered from all over the world.

You will be part of Ken’s international community of generous & amazing individuals who are eager to learn and grow together. 
Introducing the:
A new 12-month online group coaching program designed for you to learn and apply ALL the essential skills you need to transform your beliefs, upgrade your systems of living, and manifest your most abundant, happiest life.

Nothing held back.

You will get to go deep into the 12 areas of Happy Money over the span of a full year with Ken.

To experience as much happiness and abundance as possible, it’s important to learn about many topics such as money, business, goal manifestation, good relationships, the power of your emotions, and even spirituality.

So get prepared to learn the 12 most important secrets to achieving happiness & financial freedom…

And the essential skills & philosophy that form the foundation for living your life the best you possibly can.

Worried that you would be overwhelmed?

Fret not - you will also be welcomed into the biggest private support group with purpose-driven people we gathered from all over the world.

You will be part of Ken’s international community of generous & amazing individuals who are eager to learn and grow together. 
 Highlights of Happy Money Accelerator 2024 with Ken 
 12 months of elite mentoring with Ken and his tribe leaders 
 Monthly Online Seminar Calls with Ken
Ken will be teaching 12 two-hour virtual seminars, once a month in 2024, to help you live your best life possible in these challenging and unpredictable times. He’ll also be sharing the proven keys on how to live in happiness & abundance with more joy and financial freedom.

Ken will speak in his native tongue of Japanese during these seminars, while his most trusted translator, Sarah Vanderwater, will translate into English with precision in real-time.
 Have your questions answered by Ken Honda every month

Ken will be answering all of the questions you post after watching each seminar. As you put his lessons into practice, feel free to ask your questions in the group! He’ll also be answering your questions in English during your private monthly group Q&A calls. 
 Invitation to an exclusive community for cohort students only

As a student of this 2024 program, you will be invited to a private Facebook group where you can get news and updates about Ken’s upcoming seminars, zoom links, and also have a safe place to connect with the welcoming community who is taking this journey alongside you. 
  Optional "fun work" assignments

For those interested, we can also offer small-group assignments for 5 to 10 members in your region of the world who will be your closest group members. You can meet online or even offline as many times as you want to discuss the exercises and content of the program throughout the whole year and likely create friendships that will last a lifetime. 
 Priority invitation to upcoming events and programs from Ken Honda

Many of Ken’s events around the world have limited participation. However as members of this program, you’ll have the first opportunity to sign up before seats run out. Ken has many exciting events and retreats planned for 2024, so get ready for a very exciting year. 
 Community Calls on Zoom

Once a month there will also be opportunities to connect with other participants and have conversations & discussions that deepen your understanding & application of Ken’s teachings into your life. It’s also a great place to stay in touch with your biggest personal support group. 
Join the Waitlist
 Highlights of Happy Money Accelerator 2024 with Ken 
 12 months of elite mentoring with Ken and his tribe leaders 
 Monthly Online Seminar Calls with Ken
Ken will be teaching 12 two-hour virtual seminars, once a month in 2024, to help you live your best life possible in these challenging and unpredictable times. He’ll also be sharing the proven keys on how to live in happiness & abundance with more joy and financial freedom.

Ken will speak in his native tongue of Japanese during these seminars, while his most trusted translator, Sarah Vanderwater, will translate into English with precision in real-time.
 Have your questions answered by Ken Honda every month

Ken will be answering all of the questions you post after watching each seminar. As you put his lessons into practice, feel free to ask your questions in the group! He’ll also be answering your questions in English during your private monthly group Q&A calls. 
 Invitation to an exclusive community for cohort students only

As a student of this 2024 program, you will be invited to a private Facebook group where you can get news and updates about Ken’s upcoming seminars, zoom links, and also have a safe place to connect with the welcoming community who is taking this journey alongside you. 
  Optional "fun work" assignments

For those interested, we can also offer small-group assignments for 5 to 10 members in your region of the world who will be your closest group members. You can meet online or even offline as many times as you want to discuss the exercises and content of the program throughout the whole year and likely create friendships that will last a lifetime.   
 Priority invitation to upcoming events and programs from Ken Honda

Many of Ken’s events around the world have limited participation. However as members of this program, you’ll have the first opportunity to sign up before seats run out. Ken has many exciting events and retreats planned for 2024, so get ready for a very exciting year. 
 Monthly Community Calls

Once a month there will also be opportunities to connect with other participants and have conversations & discussions that deepen your understanding & application of Ken’s teachings into your life. It’s also a great place to stay in touch with your biggest personal support group. 
Join the Waitlist
Program Curriculum
The Secret to Good Financial Luck – Level Up Your Life Even in Times of Great Change 
  • The reason dreams are easy to achieve, specifically in times of great change
  • 5 things that happen in turning points of changing times
  • 6 things you can do to improve your money luck
  • How to find the dream you truly want to achieve
  • 5 traps lying hidden along the path to your best future
  • What can you do tomorrow in order to make your dreams come true?
Improve Your Intuition to Breakthrough to the Next Level
  • What is intuition?
  • Why do consistently successful people always tend to rely on their intuition more than others?
  • How to develop your power of (in)sight to guarantee every choice you make is a successful one
  • How to interpret intuitive messages without being led astray by emotions
  • How to use intuition to grasp opportunities to level up your life
  • Intuitive Skills that Ken Honda personally uses in his life
  The Power of Relationships that Only Happy & Financially Free People Know  
  • The Secret of good relationships that never changes regardless of the times
  • 7 ways to become a person that people trust
  • How to meet people in the age of social media online and build deeper relationships
  • How to use the relationship matrix online
  • How to increase popularity and likability which are indispensable for happiness and success
  • How to become a true master of relationships
 The Secret of Transforming Your Gifts into Money
  • What moments are we able to identify our own talents and gifts?
  • The difference between a life where you express your gifts and one where you don’t
  • How to see clearly what is possible to do with your gifts
  • 5 methods to supplement where your gifts are lacking
  • The secret of how to transform the energy of support you receive into money
  • 5 methods Ken Honda uses to transforms his own gifts into money
 How to Win Over Mentors and Build Your Personal "Global Support Network" 
  • What is a mentor, as someone who guides our lives?
  • 5 things Ken Honda learned from his mentor
  • The skill of quickly finding the mentor you need most
  • How to inherit your mentor’s network and build strong, happy relationships
  • Why is it important to build your loyal personal support network?
  • 5 secrets to allow your relationships to connect you to leveling up your life
 Attract Happy Money with Money IQ AND EQ
  •  When will our current state of capitalism reach its limit?
  • What are 5 things you can do now to get ready for what’s coming?
  • How Ken Honda sees the new form of capitalism
  • The definition and role of money in the new age
  • How to let go of your resistance to receiving money
  • The skill of creating the money you need, when you need it
 How Happy & Financially Free People Choose, Create, and Sell Successfully in their Business 
  • How will business change in the new form of capitalism 
  • 6 methods to help you find your own cash points
  • How to choose a business model that supports your financial freedom 
  • 4 perspectives that are essential to a business that is deeply loved
  • 5 secrets to getting your own business out into and around the world
 Timeless, Practical Marketing for Happy & Financially Free People 
  • What is marketing?
  • How to increase the reach of your advertising, marketing, and PR tenfold
  • The skill of creating a business model that spreads happiness
  • What techniques do financially free people use that make people line up for their businesses?
  • How to create great content for your posts and advertisements
  • Methods that financially free people use to get the word out about their products and services
Transform Emotions into Energy that Levels Up Your Life 
  • What is the power of emotions that controls your life?
  • How to manage your negative and positive emotions and emotional energy
  • The difference between a life where you’re controlled by emotions and one where you’re not
  • 6 ways to unleash the power of your emotions
  • 4 Secrets to unlock the safety device set up (inside you) to reject change
  • Guided meditation to calm the fear toward facing your emotions
 The "Explosive Power of Reach" That Only Happy & Financially Free People Know 
  • The strategies Ken Honda uses to reach over 8 million books sold around the world
  • The types and power levels of the energy you transmit
  •  How to create and unleash incredible amounts of energy with huge reach and influence
  • How to find the shape and form of transmission that’s just right for you
  • How to create content and never run out of ideas for more than 10 years
  • 5 Secrets to dramatically increasing your own energy
 Heal Your Money Wounds & Break Free From Worrying Over Money
  • Why do many ordinary people hesitate to receive more money and abundance?
  • How to uncover the money wounds lurking in your subconscious
  • The true nature of 5 of your biggest worries
  • The light and dark side of money
  • How to lift the generational money curses you inherited from parents and grandparents 
  • Guided meditation to break free from money worries
 The 6 Spiritual Powers that All Happy & Financially Free People Have Mastered 
  • Know the truth about what spiritual power really is
  • Learn what kind of spiritual power financially free people use in their lives
  • Become consciously aware of the invisible power at work in your life
  • How to tell the difference between fate and destiny
  • How to change out your current engine of life for an upgraded, spiritual one
  • The secret of creating your ideal future energetically
Join the Waitlist
Program Curriculum
The Secret to Good Financial Luck – Level Up Your Life Even in Times of Great Change 
  • The reason dreams are easy to achieve, specifically in times of great change
  • 5 things that happen in turning points of changing times
  • 6 things you can do to improve your money luck
  • How to find the dream you truly want to achieve
  • 5 traps lying hidden along the path to your best future
  • What can you do tomorrow in order to make your dreams come true?
Improve Your Intuition to Breakthrough to the Next Level
  • What is intuition?
  • Why do consistently successful people always tend to rely on their intuition more than others?
  • How to develop your power of (in)sight to guarantee every choice you make is a successful one
  • How to interpret intuitive messages without being led astray by emotions
  • How to use intuition to grasp opportunities to level up your life
  • Intuitive Skills that Ken Honda personally uses in his life
  The Power of Relationships that Only Happy & Financially Free People Know  
  • The Secret of good relationships that never changes regardless of the times
  • 7 ways to become a person that people trust
  • How to meet people in the age of social media online and build deeper relationships
  • How to use the relationship matrix online
  • How to increase popularity and likability which are indispensable for happiness and success
  • How to become a true master of relationships
 The Secret of Transforming Your Gifts into Money
  • What moments are we able to identify our own talents and gifts?
  • The difference between a life where you express your gifts and one where you don’t
  • How to see clearly what is possible to do with your gifts
  • 5 methods to supplement where your gifts are lacking
  • The secret of how to transform the energy of support you receive into money
  • 5 methods Ken Honda uses to transforms his own gifts into money
 How to Win Over Mentors and Build Your Personal "Global Support Network"
  • What is a mentor, as someone who guides our lives?
  • 5 things Ken Honda learned from his mentor
  • The skill of quickly finding the mentor you need most
  • How to inherit your mentor’s network and build strong, happy relationships
  • Why is it important to have your own personal support squad?
  • 5 secrets to allow your relationships to connect you to leveling up your life
 Attract Happy Money with Money IQ AND EQ
  •  When will our current state of capitalism reach its limit?
  • What are 5 things you can do now to get ready for what’s coming?
  • How Ken Honda sees the new form of capitalism
  • The definition and role of money in the new age
  • How to let go of your resistance to receiving money
  • The skill of creating the money you need, when you need it
 How Happy & Financially Free People Choose, Create, and Sell Successfully in their Business
  • How will business change in the new form of capitalism 
  • 6 methods to help you find your own cash points
  • How to choose a business model that supports your financial freedom 
  • 4 perspectives that are essential to a business that is deeply loved
  • 5 secrets to getting your own business out into and around the world
 Timeless Practical Marketing for Happy & Financially Free People
  • What is marketing?
  • How to increase the reach of your advertising, marketing, and PR tenfold
  • The skill of creating a business model that spreads happiness
  • What techniques do financially free people use that make people line up for their businesses?
  • How to create great content for your posts and advertisements
  • Methods that financially free people use to get the word out about their products and services
 Transform Emotions into Energy that Levels Up Your Life
  • What is the power of emotions that controls your life?
  • How to manage your negative and positive emotions and emotional energy
  • The difference between a life where you’re controlled by emotions and one where you’re not
  • 6 ways to unleash the power of your emotions
  • 4 Secrets to unlock the safety device set up (inside you) to reject change
  • Guided meditation to calm the fear toward facing your emotions
 The "Explosive Power of Reach" That Only Happy and Financially Free People Know
  • The strategies Ken Honda uses to reach over 8 million books sold around the world
  • The types and power levels of the energy you transmit
  •  How to create and unleash incredible amounts of energy with huge reach and influence
  • How to find the shape and form of transmission that’s just right for you
  • How to create content and never run out of ideas for more than 10 years
  • 5 Secrets to dramatically increasing your own energy
 Heal Your Money Wounds & Break Free From Worrying Over Money
  • Why do many ordinary people hesitate to receive more money and abundance?
  • How to uncover the money wounds lurking in your subconscious
  • The true nature of 5 of your biggest worries
  • The light and dark side of money
  • How to lift the generational money curses you inherited from parents and grandparents 
  • Guided meditation to break free from money worries
 The 6 Spiritual Powers that All Happy & Financially Free People Have Mastered
  • Know the truth about what spiritual power really is
  • Learn what kind of spiritual power financially free people use in their lives
  • Become consciously aware of the invisible power at work in your life
  • How to tell the difference between fate and destiny
  • How to change out your current engine of life for an upgraded, spiritual one
  • The secret of creating your ideal future energetically
This Can Work For You Too
"I am a professional breathing instructor. In this year with Ken's program, my work has expanded from only the Tokyo area out into the entirety of Japan - just like I had dreamed of. 

I now have a community of like-minded friends thanks to the program, and we support each other with kindness and compassion.

My dream of publishing a book also came true - despite never having written a book proposal before!"

Divider Text
from Yamagata, Japan
“I joined this program because I wanted to increase my company's sales. I thought I had decent relationships in my life, but after learning from Ken, not only did my relationship with my staff improve, but also the quality of relationship with my wife. 

As a result, my company's sales doubled in one year.”

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from Tokyo, Japan
“Thanks to Ken's teachings, I am finally doing what I love for work. 

Before, I couldn't even imagine myself as an entrepreneur doing what I love through my work and putting myself out there to actively create my own life.

But now that's the reality I live in! I do what brings me the most joy and I help people in my life, which brings me abundance and happiness. I really feel the fruit of what Ken teaches about!”

Divider Text
from Hokkaido, Japan
 When you join in 2024, you will 
Download the wisdom required to live with happiness and financial freedom before Ken Honda retires in 4 years

Ken Honda has spent 30 years searching for the truth about how to live with both happiness and abundance, and his life is an example of that search. He will share with you what he has learned from his mentors all over the world, about what worked well and what didn’t along the way, and include his own personal wisdom in each month’s seminar as well
Get an accurate understanding of your current state in life

We have a tendency to lose sight of where we’re truly standing in life. This habit gets even worse when war and economic disturbance is at its greatest around the world. When you don’t know where you are on a map, for example, even if your map is extremely good, you’ll still end up lost. This course is designed to help you find exactly where you stand now so that you can start moving in the right direction.
It becomes easier to break through your current problems and challenges

In this course, two-way communication is highly encouraged. To support that, each seminar will include an opportunity to ask Ken a question during Q&A. The solutions you find to your problems become a resource of knowledge and wisdom to everyone else listening who is also facing similar challenges in their lives, and vice versa. Someone else’s Q&A session may change your life.
Have crystal-clear clarity of your ideal future

Ken believes that one of the biggest reasons many people are unable to change their lives is because they are unclear about what kind of future they want. In this 12-month program, you’ll enjoy many opportunities to find clarity on the vision of your ideal life and level that up many times over.
It’s easier to find what brings you joy

The shortest path to happiness and financial abundance is to do what brings you the most joy in life. This program is designed to help you take a look at yourself and your life to identify what brings you the most joy. Sometimes you won’t know what that is until you actually try it for yourself, but you’ll have all the support you need to find out what that answer is for you.
A jolt that awakens the undiscovered gifts sleeping inside you

Our gifts can sometimes be something so obvious that we take it for granted and don’t even notice that it’s been there the whole time, much less identify it as a special talent. This program will offer exercises that help you discover gifts that are unique to you and may be difficult to notice on your own. You may be surprised to discover you had certain talents all along!
A chance to see yourself for who you truly are

Many people go through their whole lives without truly seeing themselves for who they truly are. Ken will use his special method of teaching which allows you to look deeper inside to find the answer to the most important question of your lifetime: Who am I? The more you understand about yourself, the more you will understand about the hearts of other people in your life.
Relationships in your life will experience a positive shift

When you know more clearly who you are, what emotions you’re experiencing, and how that connects to the actions you take, it connects to a much clearer understanding of what other people feel and think, too. When you start putting this understanding into practice, it improves your relationships not only with your partner and your family but also people in your workplace, your clients, and even your mentors.
The future you are connected to energetically will change

There are many possible futures you can be connected to at any time. However, you will always be the only one with the power to decide which one you really want to be connected to. In this 12 month program, there will be many opportunities outside the monthly seminar to get support to help you stay connected intentionally to the future of your choice.
You’ll be able to take the next important step in your life with joy

Even if you make up your mind to do something, your life won’t change at all unless you actually step up and take action on it. Ken Honda has learned a lot about the psychology of our human behavior from many talented mentors. He will use that knowledge to offer you the most support possible in this course so that you can fearlessly take action steps toward your own best possible future without hesitation. When it’s easier to take action, change happens much more quickly and easily in your life, too.
You’ll gain a safety net in your life

This 12 month program is a natural gathering place for like-minded people who enjoy more happiness and financial freedom in their lives. Connecting with fellow participants and becoming each other’s support squad & safety net will create a source of courage in your life that inspires you to make more bold and inspired choices knowing that you have the people you need in your life to back you up no matter what happens.
You will rewrite your self-image

Your self-image is a portrayal of what kind of person you believe yourself to be. The self-image at work in your life up until now was only formed through your upbringing and environment. However, this course will give you the opportunity to take charge and make changes in your beliefs and actions that allow you to rewrite your self-image, sometimes many times over. Many participants also discover aspects of themselves they never even knew existed.
The way you perceive the world will change fundamentally

Over the course of the upcoming year, you’ll have the opportunity to zoom out with your camera lens and see the world from many different perspectives and angles. Listening to Ken’s examples and stories will remind you that there is more than one way to perceive any event that has happened in your life, and sometimes the thing you thought was the worst thing ever and the end of the world will turn out to be a blessing and miracle that you needed at the time. When you learn to see things differently, the world which you thought was hopeless can transform into a wonderful place full of potential and good things.
You will fundamentally upgrade your reach and influence

Ken Honda, who continues to achieve great success both within Japan and now internationally all around the world, says that the power to reach people with your message is not a skill. The source of that power to get yourself out there to reach and influence people is more a matter of understanding what emotions you are experiencing and being able to convey that effectively to other people. This program will give you the opportunity to learn great insights about your own emotional experience and transform that energy into a new source of power in your life that allows you to make a bigger difference in the world if you so choose.
Learn the secret of the invisible power Ken Honda personally uses to manifest miracles

Through the next 12 months, you’ll get a glimpse into many of the energy work and skills that Ken uses in his life, including intuition, spiritual energy, and more. Ken doesn’t usually discuss his abilities publicly, but in this exclusive program he will be more open about how he uses energy and invisible spiritual power in his own life. You’ll receive incredibly important insights into why things happen, which is often due to circumstances and reasons you had no idea about at all.
Join now and gain free access to these exclusive bonuses
  Bonus #1  
Actionable Economy Forecasts and Early Market Analysis
(Value: $ 397)
Ken is connected to many wealthy successful people and influencers around the world who have an eye on what’s happening in the world before the general public, and has a track record of successful forecasts since 2018.

As your mentor, Ken will share predictions on where the world is heading to, what he expects of the rapidly shifting global economy and politics, and what economic changes would likely happen next, tell you the news as it really is, and let you know exactly how to stay prepared for the world no matter what changes may occur.
  Bonus #2  
Get recordings of all the calls
(Value: $297)
Gain access to all live session and call recordings for one year. Whether you missed a live call or you want to revisit a class, the recordings will be available throughout the year. You can replay to your heart’s content.
  Bonus #3  

Your own action guides to turn knowledge into results
(Value: $197)

Get access to action guides for each live seminar call with Ken. These guides present Ken’s experiences and knowledge in layman terms, providing you with a step-by-step action plan to follow after each call.
  Bonus #4  

Money Flow Attraction Bundle
(Value: $497)

80 minutes of exclusive deep dive trainings by Ken Honda to his inner circle on how to take your abundance, magnetism, and mindset with money flow to the next level.
Join now and gain free access to these exclusive bonuses
   Bonus #1   
Actionable Economy Forecasts and Early Market Analysis
(Value: $ 397)
Ken is connected to many wealthy successful people and influencers around the world who have an eye on what’s happening in the world before the general public, and has a track record of successful forecasts since 2018.

As your mentor, Ken will share predictions on where the world is heading to, what he expects of the rapidly shifting global economy and politics, and what economic changes would likely happen next, tell you the news as it really is, and let you know exactly how to stay prepared for the world no matter what changes may occur.
   Bonus #2   
Get recordings of all the calls
(Value: $297)
Gain access to all live session and call recordings for one year. Whether you missed a live call or you want to revisit a class, the recordings will be available throughout the year. You can replay to your heart’s content.
  Bonus #3   

Your own action guides to turn knowledge into results
(Value: $197)

Get access to action guides for each live seminar call with Ken. These guides present Ken’s experiences and knowledge in layman terms, providing you with a step-by-step action plan to follow after each call.
   Bonus #4   

Money Flow Attraction Bundle
(Value: $497)

80 minutes of exclusive deep dive trainings by Ken Honda to his inner circle on how to take your abundance, magnetism, and mindset with money flow to the next level.

Due to Ken’s increasingly busy schedule, you'd have to pay upwards of $4,000 for an hour of his personal time.

Alternatively, you could also join Ken's 3-day retreats for $3,888.

But for this 12-month community, you don't have to invest $10000, $7000, or even $3888…

Ken’s vision for Happy Money Accelerator is to uplift as many financial lives as possible in 2024.

That's why the team has reduced the program investment to just $2,300.

But since it is the first time this brand new program collective is being launched...

We've planned something extremely special for you.

Happy Money Accelerator enrollment is currently closed
Join the wait list to get the latest updates
Everything You're Getting
  • 12 Live Zoom Seminar Calls by Ken Honda (from Japanese to English in real-time)
  • 12 Live Group Coaching Calls directly with Ken Honda (in English)
  • Exclusive Global Community Access
  • Community Calls Lead by Ken’s "Happy Money Leaders"
  • Premium Networking Sessions
  • BONUS #1: Actionable Market Forecasts and World Economy Analysis
  • BONUS #2: Recordings of All Seminar and Coaching Calls
  • BONUS #3: Monthly Action Guides
  • BONUS #4: Money Flow Attraction Bundle
Try it for 30 days risk free
 Remember you don’t have to say YES right now. You only have to say MAYBE. Go through the program for 30 days risk-free from the day of purchase.

You can refund yourself anytime. No emails, no phone calls, no hassle. Just reach out to support and get a full, friendly and fast refund. No questions asked.

This special offer and exclusive bonuses will close very soon!
 Frequently Asked Questions 

Yes, we offer 2-month and 3-month payment plans. Please proceed to the Checkout Page to see your payment options.

All Live seminar calls will happen on Fridays at 5 pm (Pacific Standard Time) / 8 pm (Eastern Standard Time).

The specific dates in US time zones are: Jan 26, Feb 16, March 22, April 12, May 24, June 21, July 12, Aug 23, Sep 20, Oct 18, Nov 22, Dec 13.

Ken will be speaking in Japanese during the monthly seminar calls on Zoom, and there will be English translation in real-time by Ken’s trusted translator - Sarah Vanderwater. However, Ken will speak in English during your monthly Live group coaching calls.

Yes, during the monthly Live group coaching calls with Ken, he will be interacting in English and answering your questions. This is a rare opportunity exclusive to the English members in this 2024 program.

Yes, all seminar sessions and coaching calls will be recorded and available to you for one year, as a special bonus.

Yes, we offer a 30-day refund period from your date of purchase. No questions asked.

You will have access to this cohort’s exclusive Facebook Group, where you can speak with our dedicated staff there. Otherwise, you are also welcomed to reach out to support@kenhonda.com for additional support!

You will have access to all Happy Money Accelerator replays and materials for 13 months following your date of purchase. (Purchase refers to first payment if you pay through a multi-payment plan.)

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Join the Waitlist

Can I pay in installments?

Yes, we offer 2-month and 3-month payment plans. Please proceed to the Checkout Page to see your payment options.

What are the dates & times for the monthly Live seminar calls?

All Live seminar calls will happen on Fridays at 5 pm (Pacific Standard Time) | 8 pm (Eastern Standard Time). The seminar dates in US time zone are:
- Jan 26
- Feb 16
- March 22
- April 12
- May 24
- June 21
- July 12
- Aug 23
- Sep 20
- Oct 18
- Nov 22
- Dec 13

Are the Live seminar calls conducted in English?

Ken will be speaking in Japanese during the monthly seminar calls on Zoom, and there will be English translation in real-time by Ken’s trusted translator - Sarah Vanderwater. However, Ken will speak in English during your monthly Live group coaching calls.

Will I be able to speak with Ken or ask him questions directly?

Yes, during the monthly Live group coaching calls with Ken, he will be interacting in English and answering your questions. This is a rare opportunity exclusive to the English members in this 2024 program.

Will there be recordings of the seminar sessions and coaching calls for me to watch later?

Yes, all seminar sessions and coaching calls will be recorded and available to you for one year as a special bonus.

Can I get a refund if I'm not satisfied?

Yes, we offer a 30-day refund period from your date of purchase. No questions asked.

If I purchase in February will only have access to the materials for 11 months?
You will have access to all Happy Money Accelerator replays and materials for 13 months following your date of purchase. (Purchase refers to first payment if you pay through a multi-payment plan.)

If I have questions or need assistance during the program, what support resources are available to me?

You will have access to this cohort’s private Facebook Group, where you can speak with our dedicated staff there. You are also welcomed to reach out to support@kenhonda.com for additional support!

© 2023 KenHonda.com
