Discover the extraordinary way to identify and heal your money wounds, opening the way for a new joyful and abundant relationship with your money
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Money & Happiness Expert, Ken Honda, would like to invite you to heal your money. When you heal your money, you  experience major shifts across your whole life.

Learn more about Ken's new online course, The Heal Your Money Program.

Are you a worrier when it comes to money? Do you often find yourself in a state of anxiety when you think about your finances?

These feelings and others like them are learned states that you have been developing since childhood. But, your money stress and negative beliefs don’t have to control how you experience life anymore.

You can choose something different now.

And this course will teach you how.

We have heard it said many times, money cannot buy happiness. This is not entirely true. Money has the ability to open our lives to opportunity, it gets us access to places we would not otherwise, at allows us to live at a comfort level not otherwise available.

However, your relationship with money goes a lot deeper than comforts, bonuses and access.

We hear many things about money growing up. "Money doesn't grow on trees," "Don't spend it all in one place," "No, put it back, we cannot afford that."

These common phrases are meant to shape our understanding of money as kids, and it does, though it often has counter effects on us as we get older and outgrow the lessons.

Our beliefs come from many different sources. Our parents, of course, but also siblings, friends, extended families, teachers, etc.

Our money beliefs create our lives, but so many of us are unaware that we even have the power to change our beliefs and heal the many negative emotions that we carry with us for years and even decades.

But the point is not to blame ourselves - Ken reminds you that you can grow, of your own power, and gives you the tools to identify what you want to change.

He also helps you to take responsibility for creating the life you actually want from this day forward.

Every day offers you new choices and new chances to change your life or create peace and happiness for yourself and others. The Happy Money Healing Program is the fundamental and practical guidance on how to really target the beliefs that are making you so unhappy and learn how to let go.

Finally the burden of old hurts and pains can be washed away, and you’ll feel like you have a fresh start.

If you have taken the Money EQ course with Mindvalley, this is a great course that expands on what Ken calls, Money Wounds. It is also a great next step from the Free courses and the 10-Day Crash Course available on Ken's membership site.

“Ken Honda’s wisdom, intellect, success, and achievement combined with his spirituality, love, and compassion make him the perfect person to bring forth this conversation about healing and happiness.”
– Lisa Nichols
New York Times bestselling author of Abundance Now
Your Money EQ is your key to abundance and prosperity

The Happy Money Healing Program is based on Ken's teachings of Money EQ. Healing your money wounds is a core pillar in the course. This course deepens the work and gives you the skills you need to confront the roots of your money wounds and heal them, paving the way for less anxiety and more ease in your life. 

You will find that not only will this course help you alleviate money stress, but you will see shifts across your whole life as a result of this process. 

The Curriculum

The Happy Money Healing Program takes you on a journey, with 8 units of coursework that will drive you through the process of identifying your money wounds and taking the healing steps to resolve these wounds once and for all.

The courses are guided by Ken himself with daily trainings videos and exercises designed to transform your money wounds into new healthy relationships with money.

By the end of the program, you'll develop lifelong changes in how you think about money and relate to it. Your ability to retain money will feel different as will your feelings around whether or not money presents an evil influence or danger to your life. You will have access to the feelings of abundance you have longed for.

Course Units and Content
The Truth about Money
 The relationship between money and happiness

5 characteristics of money as an energy

Misunderstandings that repel money 
The Importance of Money EQ
The emotions money brings out in us

4 Principles of Money IQ

The real reasons everyone wants money
The Origins of Your Money Stress
5 ways we experience money stress

Stress with budgeting

Money stress highlights where life problems are hiding
Taking Responsibility for your Inherited Beliefs
Become aware of negative subconscious beliefs

What is a money blueprint?

Self-image and how to rewrite it
The Impact of Your Money Drama
The difference between money drama and money trauma

Personality types

How they differ based on Money EQ Personality type

Healing Your Negative Emotions
What does it mean to heal money?

5 secrets about money wounds

Steps on how to heal your money
Finding the Source of Your Abundance
Make new choices and create a new life

How to discover what you love

Finding and developing your gifts
Installing Your Happy Money Mindset
What is a happy money mindset?

How to become a money magnet

Five characteristics of people who attract or repel money

You will identify and reflect on what kind of relationship you really have with money and what to do if you want to change it into something healthier.

You’ll also have the opportunity to clear away some very common misunderstandings you may have about money that have been holding you back without your notice.
A bonus video about intuition, luck and more!
During This Class, You'll Discover...
How to rewrite your negative money beliefs into positive ones
Where your money stress comes from
How to let go of entitlement and embrace gratitude
5 Secrets about money wounds and how to heal them
How to develop your gifts and transform them into money
How to become a Money Magnet
How to raise your Money EQ
What money personality type you are and how to adjust it to your needs
How to budget your actual needs and appreciate your wealth
How the source of your abundance is hidden in your very own gifts
How to understand and discover your lifework and life purpose

Join Ken for a bonus call and ask him your questions directly!

You are invited to join Ken for a bonus call where he will talk further about healing your money wounds and give you a chance to ask your questions directly to him. This will be an hour long call that will be available within 30 days of your purchase.

Also, be sure to take advantage of our special Arigato Community offer. When you purchase the Happy Money Healing Program, you will get 2 free months access to the Arigato Living Community, ken's private community where members participate in monthly lectures and Q&As with Ken. Join after Parties and study groups for Ken's courses. Join private groups lead by our moderators, and so much more.Best of all, you will be automatically invited to join the Happy Money Healing Study Group where you will find others who are taking the course. Participate in discussions, live calls, and get and give support as you go through the course together.

Students Love Ken Honda
 I loved your course...It changed my perspective and released so many generational traumas around money abundance and happiness! Arigato, Ken Honda!
Robyn Gett
Your work just changed my life. I’m a writer and a healer.  I always had problems with the money, until I knew you! Now everything is different! I started a new relationship with it, and I love it! We are working on the same team now! :)
Beatriz Son Ríe
The class I took with you turned everything around for me! I was stuck in one bad thing after another. You taught me more than how to fix my relationship with money. You taught me how to fix my relationship with me! 
Polly Robinson
I love what I have learned from your valuable teachings, I want to thank you for so many beautiful lessons that you have taught me, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Andy Isaza
Learn From Wealth & Happiness Mentor, Ken Honda
Long before becoming a bestselling author of self-development books about money, happiness, and finding your life purpose, Ken Honda grew up blessed with an entrepreneurial mindset which had him running his own businesses in his twenties and experiencing true financial freedom several years ahead of his goals. After going on semi-retirement at the age of 29 when his baby daughter was born, he began to think about what he really wanted to do with the rest of his life that could make a contribution to the world. Although he had never written anything before, he had a vision of becoming an author and sharing his expertise on money, abundance, doing what you love, and expressing your gifts.

In that vision, his work inspired millions of people to begin following their passion and create a huge, healthy cycle flowing full of Happy Money, and today he is witnessing that dream come true. His books in Japan have sold well over 8 million copies and he is the most well-known speaker on financial abundance, happiness, and prosperity. His first work in English was published in 2019 from Simon Schuster, called Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money. As he teaches about how to heal your money to audiences all over the world, he is becoming internationally known as “the Money Healer”.
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